Okay, I'm answering this tag from Amy. My life is not that exciting, but here goes:
8 Favorite TV Shows:
1. LOST, LOST and more LOST! The best show ever.
2. Hawaii Five-0 (another show shot on Oahu, what can I say?)
3. American Idol, just kind of follow on the internet, and it's not that great this year.
4. So You Think You Can Dance, got hooked on this last year and it was fun. If I did have cable, I would be addicted to these shows!
5. The Academy Awards
6. The Miss America Pageant, haven't watched for a couple of years, but lots of memories from my youth of this show!
7. Extreme Home Makeover, have seen this a few times and it's heartwarming, they did one in Logan a few years ago!
8. Oprah, she's got some good stuff once in a while.
8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Woke up at 4:00 am and couldn't go back to sleep!!!
2. Tried to go back to sleep after the kids went to school and just ended up with a headache.
3. Went to the grocery store.
4. Got a Subway for lunch.
5. Learned how to use my new scanner thanks to Amy!
6. Played Candyland with Kennadee.
7. Made brownies and ate too many.
8. Went to Young Women and saw some neat heirlooms from the girls' grandmas and grandma friends.
8 Things I'm Looking Forward To:
1. Colton's graduation (but not his leaving the nest!)
2. Girls Camp
3. Going to Kansas with Mom
4. The sun!
5. Going boating this summer, hopefully more than last summer!
6. School getting out and having the kids home!
7. Corn on the cob from our garden.
8. Not having a PTA job next school year.
8 Favorite Restaurants:
1. The Copper Mill (for blazer strips)
2. Callaway's (for fettucine alfredo)
3. Cafe Rio
4. Mis Amores
5. Macaroni Grill (my new fave since last weekend)
6. Deer Cliff (for Halloween)
7. Firehouse Pizzeria
8. American Girl Cafe (only once, but my funnest restaurant experience ever)
8 Things I Wish For:
1. I wish for a cleaner house.
2. I wish I could get caught up on scrapbooking.
3. I wish I had more patience.
4. I wish for grandkids someday.
5. I wish for missions for my boys.
6. I wish for Kori to have her humanitarian experience in Peru.
7. I wish for my kids to be happy in their future lives.
8. I wish to go on a mission someday.
Okay, I tag
and Tia!