Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy Birthday, Padre Man!

Our family's first Ugly Sweater Party, in honor of Wes's birthday.  Ironically, he was the only one who didn't wear an ugly sweater!  Ha ha!!  I guess the birthday boy can wear whatever he wants to!

Bring on the Awkward Family Photos...

I love Colton's beard.  This looks like the serious parents in front and the goof off children in back.

Ugly Sweater table decor...

Ugly Sweater gift decor...

I got to do Heavy Heavy Hang Over...

Aunt Michelle gave Wes these cute photos of Grandpa Wes and Grandma Eva.

He was maybe excited about his new book. ?

We're not sure if he was happy about his new iPad keyboard or not.

He was excited about this shirt and vest.

After you turn 50, you get to start over on the candle count...

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Day In The Morning!

It was a pretty chill Christmas morning.  We got up about 8:00, checked out our stockings and saw what Santa left for us, then we had a yummy breakfast and slowly opened up the rest of our gifts.  Karlton came over later in the morning to see what we got, and also because Santa had left a bike here for Karlee!!  We spent the rest of the day lounging around, watching our new movies, playing our new games, and enjoying being together.  Leftovers for Chrismas Day dinner, and then Aunt Michelle left in the evening.  We missed Grandma and Grandpa, but we went up to see them the day after Christmas.

Looks like Santa came!

Clint got some more seasons of Castle, and Kori got a beach wave perm!

Cider was a little crazy, we could hardly get her to hold still enough for a photo.  Kevin was MIA most of the day because he was high on catnip.  Maybe it was a mistake to give him 10 catnip treats at once.  Still, it was a great Christmas.  So fun to have the whole family together, as that luxury is getting more difficult these days!  Merry Christmas!

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!

Christmas Eve is the best!  We had Karlee and Colton all day.  Aunt Michelle came up later in the evening.  We made sugar cookies, had a yummy dinner of balsamic roast pork, potatoes, rolls, salad, and other deliciousness, enjoyed our annual Christmas Eve talent show and other festivities.  It was a ton of fun!  Merry Christmas 2013!

Kori made Hobbit themed cookies.

This is Colton's Zombie Sheep.

Clint hard at work on The Eye of Sauron.

Dinner's almost ready!!

These guys watched funny Youtube videos until Aunt Michelle got here.

Kitty sat in his new favorite spot.

Talent Show Time!! Clint showed off his Pepicura creations. These are 3D designs that he prints off the computer and then painstakinly glues together.  They come in these tiny little pieces of cardstock.  They're still made of paper at this point, but the plan is to fiberglass and paint them. Pretty impressive!!

Grumpy Cat snuck into this otherwise cute picture of Karlton.

Colton popped his wife's back for his talent.  Ouch!

Karlee laid her hands flat on the floor!  More ouch!

Kori taught us some hula moves, and then performed a hula for us.  Needless to say, Mom was in heaven just watching.  It was almost like last year's PCC talent show!  Remember last year?  Ah...

Aunt Michelle has had some serious health challenges this year, and she has felt angels around her.  She shared with us what some of the General Authorities have taught us about angels and the help we can receive from the other side.  It was awesome and now we need to borrow her Angels book to read more.  Thanks, Aunt Michelle for bringing the spirit.

Then it was Wes's turn.  Wes always comes up with the craziest talents.  This year, he did this whole presentation on "changing your appearance."  

And then he whipped out a razor and shaved off his mustache!  Right there in front of us!  Whoa!!  Now that is a memorable Christmas Eve Talent!

No one took my photo, but my talent was 2 new games:  Finish the Lyrics, Christmas Carol version, and Christmas Carol Telephone.  They were both funny, and Clint proved to be the best lyric finisher!

The Elves came!

Cute Jammies!

Bible story, Twas The Night Before Christmas, and then off to bed!  Happy Christmas Eve everyone!