Wes was invited to help with a SUU Geology Club career fair, so we decided to make a little getaway out of it. We spent one day in Cedar and a couple more days in St. G. I think we took the Bear Lake cold with us, it was rainy and windy and brrrrrrr!! But we still had a great time. We had some indoor options, Frontier Homestead museum, Dune 2 at the movies, dino track museum, taxidermy museum, and some yummy food. When the rain subsided, we went on a little hike and found some amazing dino tracks. We also walked through the botanical gardens. Lots of fun!
Monday, March 18, 2024
Oscars 2024
It's been a while since we've had an Oscars party, let alone even watch the show. We rectified that this year with a fun Oscar bash. Oscar Bingo, matching games, Barbenheimer, trivia games, Robert Redford, ballots, popcorn, food and prizes! Clint was the big winner, guessing 15 winners correctly!
Sunday, March 3, 2024
The Big 29
Happy Birthday to Kori! We wish we could celebrate in person, but we look forward to seeing you soon in Oregon. We are so excited about your photography business and we're so proud of you for making your way in Oregon! We love you so much Kori, hope you have a wonderful birthday!
Friday, March 1, 2024
Fly Tying
Scotty went up to Wes one day at church and said "you look like a guy who can fly fish." Scotty was looking for some help tying flies. Turns out Wes is your guy! They had a blast tying a couple of flies. Wes loaned Scotty his fly tying kit until Scotty can get his own equipment. They're gonna have to go see if they can catch a fish this spring.
Olivia Is Nine!
Happy Birthday grand daughter number one! We celebrated Olivia with gifts and a yummy cake that she decorated all by herself! We took her to lunch at Zupa and shopping at Hobby Lobby. She had so much fun shopping and looking at everything! She had a hard time narrowing it down, but she finally chose some things to paint, a butterfly and a bird house. She picked some beautiful colors of paint. We can't wait to see the finished products! We love you so much, sweet girl!