Sunday, February 15, 2009

Mom and Clint have a Ski Day!

Here's how Mom and Clint spent Friday the 13th, skiing the Beav! We had a super fun day, but don't let the sun fool you, it was cold! Watch our slideshow...


Sheri said...

That looks like a great day! Remember our first skiing day? Not my best show of athletic abiliy. Funny, some things never change. I'm glad you had a great day with Clint.

Shaunda said...

Hi, Michelle!

I love your blog. You'll have to clue me in on how to upload the cool wallpaper.

We were up at the Beav on Sat. It was a little bit warmer. Tons of fun up there.

How did our kids get so big?

Shaunda said...

P.S.....glad to see Rick Springfield lives on in your song list. Oh, the memories...

thompsonmania said...

Hey, that's brand new Rick Springfield, too! I added you to my links I hope that's okay. I don't know how our kids have gotten so big. And about to start leaving the nest in my case, yikes! PS check out