Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Fabulous Fourteen!

Kori turned 14 on Tuesday! Happy Birthday, Kori!!

Kori the cake decorator likes to create her own birthday cakes. This year, it was a topsy turvy layer cake with lots of chocolate!

New shoes, now she'll really be taller than her mom!

Make a wish!

One of the older Young Women, Karlee, came over Monday night to surprise Kori and style her hair for her B-day. Unfortunately, the updo didn't stay very well overnight, and we couldn't save all of it for the Tuesday B-day, but isn't that sweet and thoughtful? And it looked so cute!


Sheri said...

I can't believe that she is that old. Happy Birthday Kori!

The Amayesings said...

What a doll!!!!! LOVE the creative cake idea. Happy Bday, Kori!!!