Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Off to college!

He's a college freshman! Colton has been moving up to his dorm at Utah State University. He's got all of his stuff out and he's going to stay up there tonight! Connections classes for freshmen start tomorrow and then regular university classes start on Monday. He has a buddy that he is rooming with and there are 3 other guys in his dorm. It's a cooking dorm, so we went yesterday and scored some pots and pans at the DI and some cheap utensils and plates and things at the dollar store. All day I was thinking "why haven't I been getting stuff ready all summer?" I think I was just trying to avoid it and not think it was real! Somehow though I'm not sad today, I'm just really excited for him. I think his college experience will be so fun with him living on campus, and it's just an exciting time of life! We've been working on mission papers, so that next step will come soon too! We will all miss having Colton around all the time, but we're proud of him and know that this is the right step. Good luck, Colton!! We love you!

1 comment:

Sheri said...

I can't believe it!!Does it mean that you are older than me because you have a college kid???ha ha ha and I did LOL at the Brady Bunch card!!!Thanks!