Saturday, September 19, 2009

Homecoming Dance

I guess it's truly a Homecoming, since Colton is going back to his old high school for the Homecoming dance! His very beautiful (and nice and sweet and fun) date is McKinzie Moore. She is a Senior at Sky View this year.

Since McKinzie has connections at the florist, she had a boutonniere made to match the corsage we had ordered!

After spending the day horseback riding up at Bear Lake, these two clean up very nicely. I think they make a cute couple!


Eileen said...

I love and miss school dances! Cute kids.

Sonia said...

I am curious? Why did Colton go to the highschool homecoming dance? Now it is his choice and I am not judging. I just thought he would be excited to be with the college girls. They look great. I hope they had a wonderful time.

The Amayesings said...

VERY handsome couple. Glad they had a nice time.