Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Blue With A Capital "B"!!

Clint is finally back in his bedroom!  It has been a long 4 1/2 months without a bedroom of his own.  It all started back in May with the freaky rains that flooded Clint's room.  It took a while to get the pad replaced and carpet re-laid.  Then we decided to repaint since everything was out of the room anyway.  Between Mom being busy, and unmotivated (mostly the unmotivated part), the painting took quite a long time too.  But it is finally finished and the furniture is moved back in.  We call this paint "painter's tape blue" because it is the exact color of the blue painter's tape.  This might be the cleanest we ever see Clint's room too!!

1 comment:

Sheri said...

That is one blue room!!! We have been painting too, Dave's office, joy oh joy!