Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mission Farewell

Colton gave an excellent talk today!  It has been so rewarding to see him prepare and really become a missionary!  He will have a lot of success and will do such a great job as he serves the Lord for two years.  We are very very proud.  A big THANK YOU to everyone who braved the snow and came for the farewell!  It was so great to see family and friends.  We feel bad that we don't have more pictures to share.  Kori brought her camera to our lunch, but we all totally forgot about taking pictures until after everyone had left!  Sorry about that!  It meant a lot to Elder Thompson to have you all there!  He is so excited to serve!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Make your own photo book with Blurb
Hey, bloggers, I just made a book out of my blog. I used and I am very happy with the finished product. Their program was easy to use, it had lots of options for layouts, colors, etc, and it was very inexpensive! I'm glad to have a paper copy since this is about the only journaling/scrapbooking that I am doing these days. If you're interested in doing the same thing, I recommend blurb!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tin Man

I got this idea off the internet and made these little tin men for my nursery kids for a lesson about the body.  I think it was actually once for them and twice for me, though, because I'm having way too much fun, and so are my kids!!  It is just a 14 oz vegetable can, cleaned out, and a Pringles lid on top with some yarn strung through for hair.  Then I put magnets on googly eyes, pom poms and foam shapes, and you can configure them any way you want!  Kori and I keep coming up with more ideas of shapes to make.  We put all the pieces in a ziploc bag and they fit inside the can when not in use.  The Pringles lid doesn't fit tight, but it was the best lid and can combination I could come up with.  Anyway, very fun, very easy, and kinda addicting to play with!  Just proves some toys are ageless.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Look, Ma, No Hair!!

Here it is, the OFFICIAL missionary haircut.  Colton has wanted to wait until the very last minute, and he is pretty close.  He speaks in church next Sunday, the 31st, and he goes to the MTC on Feb. 10.  I have always liked his long hair, but I think he looks dang handsome either way.  It just really really changes him!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Ode To The Pontiac

In ‘96 you came to stay
When our third kid was on his way.

We needed another seat belt, you see,
(Besides that, we got you for FREE!)

You’d been in the family, the deal was fair,
You weren’t very pretty, but we didn’t care.

You saw us through car seats, toddlers, and toys,
Cookie crumbs, tippy cups, and lots of noise.

Kori remembers your little trash bin,
The one Clint held to throw up in!

With the Thompsons you were always ready to leave,
You took us to Grandma’s, Bryce Canyon, and the Beav.

Kitty prints on the windows made Dad mad,
Loss of the fog light made him sad.

You towed the tent trailer with your new hitch,
Going over the pass was really a . . . difficult!

Inside you showed occasional dust,
But your doors were covered with cancerous rust.

Sorry your windshield was always a mess,
Mom didn’t wash it, she left that to Wes.

We nicknamed you “the Bucket of Bolts,”
Which was never more true than when you were Colt’s.

The first thing he did was mash up your door,
Then smash in your grill, and a few dents more.

Through all of that you still showed heart,
Each morning you never failed to start.

By a few of Colton’s dates you were stalked,
Maybe he should have kept you locked.

Flowers, and notes, even a ball bash,
Hearts and a turtle glued on the dash.

You went to McDonald’s and even the prom,
With the amp and subwoofer you were the bomb.

The AC was cool, the heater was hot,
The stereo was loud, we heard it a lot.

A nicer looking car we wanted to buy,
Dad said, “if only the Pontiac would die.”

Now you’re being replaced by a truck
That Kori will drive, with any luck!

160,000 miles was quite a feat,
Oh Pontiac, Pontiac, you were really sweet!

You used to be our transportation,
Now you’re a charity donation.

You’ve been a great friend, treated us like no other,
We’ll see you in another life, brother!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Happy Seventy Five, Grandpa Mike!

Grandpa Mike turns 75 today!  We are going up to Pocatello to celebrate on Saturday.  We wrote this funny poem in honor of his birthday.  If you know my dad, you might appreciate it, we call it:

Three Quarters Equals Seventy Five,
Old Man’s Glad To Be Alive!
A Birthday Verse For You:

In honor of your three quarter birthday
We planned to make a toast,
But then we thought it would be more fun
To give you a gentle roast.

So here’s a little three quarter note,
We’d like this chance to say
A few of our thoughts about you
And your three quarter birthday...

Today you’re only three quarters
Which equals seventy five.
It must feel good to get to this point
And still be alive!

Born in 1935
Way back when.
Did you ever think you’d make it
To two thousand and ten?

You’re still only three quarters
Not yet a full century.
Another twenty five years to go,
Will you make it? Well, we’ll see.

You used to have the energy
To run and work and play,
But now you’re only awake
For three quarters of the day.

It’s amazing that you still have
Three quarters of your hair.
It might make you look good,
But Wes thinks it’s hardly fair.

We laugh at all your silly jokes
And goofy things you say.
Three quarters of them aren’t funny
But we like them anyway.

Three quarters of the things you tell us
Make us wonder more,
Like what is the story behind this?
And what the heck’s a semaphore?

Three quarters of a dog you say,
A Chihuahua is what you’d like.
But a real live Rockin’ Ricardo?
The thought gives us a fright.

You have three quarters of your height,
We know that much is true,
But three quarters of your grandkids
Have already caught up to you!

Three quarters of the speed limit
Is how you like to drive.
It seems that some old duffers
Just can’t drive fifty five!

Three quarters of a poem,
I guess that’s where we’re at.
By now you’re probably thinking
We should have stopped at half!

Pauline is the good woman
With whom you’ve spent your life.
You’re very lucky, cause she’s
Way more than three quarters of a wife!

You haven’t lost it all yet,
You have three quarters of your mind.
You still have a generous spirit,
And you’re really one of a kind.

You sure can play the piano,
That talent is just fine.
Your fingers can still dazzle us
When you play in three quarter time.

We hope you haven’t minded
This little verse at your expense,
It is, after all, three quarters
Of your birthday presents!

You know you’re only three quarters
And perhaps a little bit spent,
But know our love for you is always

All our love and wishes for a bright year ahead,

Wes, Michelle, Colton, Kori and Clint

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A Little Night Skiing

We did a little night skiing at Beaver Mountain for the Bio-West company party.  We got to invite the Wallaces and Kori brought her camera, so Kennadee got her photo taken with everyone it looks like!  We had a great time.  Unfortunately no new snow to report, but it was surprisingly warm up there!  We're keeping our fingers crossed for more snow. 

Michelle and Wes

Kenna and Colton

Here's a Katie in a box!

Kenna and Wes

Kenna and Kori

A beautiful night at the Beav!

Wanna Play Some Settlers?

Settlers of Catan is our current favorite game.  We've been playing ridiculous amounts of this game since the holidays!  We've played at least once every day I think!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Conditions were just right on Saturday for a super fast ride on the flexible flyers!  Fun, fast, and not too cold!!