Friday, January 15, 2010

Ode To The Pontiac

In ‘96 you came to stay
When our third kid was on his way.

We needed another seat belt, you see,
(Besides that, we got you for FREE!)

You’d been in the family, the deal was fair,
You weren’t very pretty, but we didn’t care.

You saw us through car seats, toddlers, and toys,
Cookie crumbs, tippy cups, and lots of noise.

Kori remembers your little trash bin,
The one Clint held to throw up in!

With the Thompsons you were always ready to leave,
You took us to Grandma’s, Bryce Canyon, and the Beav.

Kitty prints on the windows made Dad mad,
Loss of the fog light made him sad.

You towed the tent trailer with your new hitch,
Going over the pass was really a . . . difficult!

Inside you showed occasional dust,
But your doors were covered with cancerous rust.

Sorry your windshield was always a mess,
Mom didn’t wash it, she left that to Wes.

We nicknamed you “the Bucket of Bolts,”
Which was never more true than when you were Colt’s.

The first thing he did was mash up your door,
Then smash in your grill, and a few dents more.

Through all of that you still showed heart,
Each morning you never failed to start.

By a few of Colton’s dates you were stalked,
Maybe he should have kept you locked.

Flowers, and notes, even a ball bash,
Hearts and a turtle glued on the dash.

You went to McDonald’s and even the prom,
With the amp and subwoofer you were the bomb.

The AC was cool, the heater was hot,
The stereo was loud, we heard it a lot.

A nicer looking car we wanted to buy,
Dad said, “if only the Pontiac would die.”

Now you’re being replaced by a truck
That Kori will drive, with any luck!

160,000 miles was quite a feat,
Oh Pontiac, Pontiac, you were really sweet!

You used to be our transportation,
Now you’re a charity donation.

You’ve been a great friend, treated us like no other,
We’ll see you in another life, brother!


Anonymous said...

Oh Pontiac!

The Amayesings said...

Lovely ode to an old reliable. RIP, Pontiac.