Tuesday, February 2, 2010


This is Colton's birthday present this year.  Since we've just completely outfitted him for a mission and didn't know what else he really needed, we gave him a memory instead of a gift to open.  We went to iFLY in Ogden to do a little indoor skydiving.  Unfortunately, we couldn't take photos of ourselves while we were flying, so this is all I've got to share.  We did bring home a video of the entire experience from inside the wind chamber, and it is hilarious to watch!  I can't get the video to upload to my blog, but you can check out the facility if you want by clicking the iFLY link above.   We had a great time, here are some thoughts about the whole experience:
This is my new favorite family photo!  Here we are in our flight gear, ready to go!  You can kind of see the wind chamber in the background.  We really did fly!  One at a time, we just fell into the chamber and let our legs and arms float up into flying position.  There was a guide inside with us to help us get into position and keep us from crashing against the glass!  We took turns in 1 minute rotations and we each flew for 3 minutes.

You can see how excited Colton was, look at that anticipation in his face!  I, on the other hand, am wearing a totally fake, nervous smile in this photo!  I was absolutely panicked about doing this since I have an intense fear of falling.  My family is proud of me that I did not chicken out.  It actually doesn't feel at all like falling, it just feels like you're floating on a cloud.  All those flying dreams that you have, it really feels like that!  Kori said it was the coolest physical sensation ever, and even though she was a little nervous as well, she thought it was like a dream come true. 

Clint was like a little bird in there, he just flew right into position and floated.  Wes loved it!  He was ready to go 10 more times!  Wes and Colton both floated up pretty high!  I was actually very impressed at how well our family flew.  Our instructor even told us how coordinated we were.  He promised he doesn't say that to all the first timers, but I don't know!  Here are Clint and Colton in front of the wind chamber after we were all done, holding their iFLY certificates.  What an awesome night!  We went out to eat at a yummy Mexican restaurant afterward.  Colton was very happy with his birthday gift!


Eileen said...

What fun! You are a good mom.

The Amayesings said...

What a great idea and I'm so proud of you for going through with it. You have a talent for trying new things. I admire that. Glad you all had fun.

The Amayesings said...
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Sheri said...

Okay, so you are more gutsy than me!!And you are right - that is a great family photo!