Thursday, March 4, 2010

Birthday Girl!

Kori turned 15 yesterday!  Here she is hard at work on her Dharma cake.  If you are a LOST fan, you'll know exactly what that means.  Can you name all of the Dharma stations seen on the cupcakes?
Grandpa and Grandma came to celebrate with us.  We went to dinner at Copper Mill for yummy blazer strips!  Then we came home, opened presents and had cake.
But it doesn't stop there!  Birthdays sometimes linger for days at our house!  Tonight, Kori is going to dinner at her favorite Mexican restaurant, Mis Amores with her friend Sierra.  That is this year's version of a "friend party."  And on Saturday, Kori and I are headed out of town for a shopping trip, yippee!!  That is her present from us this year.  Happy birthday, Kori!

1 comment:

The Amayesings said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the Dharma cake w/the station cupcakes!!! I may have to copy for the finale!!!! Very fun. Glad her day(s) was(were) special and happy.