Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Day At The Lake

It was a beautiful Cache Valley summer day, the kind you wish you could have all year long.  The kids' friends, Connor and Sierra came along and each got up on a kneeboard for the first time!  The water was brisk but glassy.  It was a perfect day, except for the sunburns that we felt later!!

Sierra's up!  And she's down...

Clint is the king of the kneeboard:

Watch out for mud monsters!

Connor is serious about his kneeboarding:

Kori on the wakeboard:

Look at that reflection!  That is some seriously nice water.
Fun times!

There's the boat captain and his first mate:


Sheri said...

Don't you just love those summer days that go on forever, a lot of sun, some water and people you love being with. Kinda changes my outlook on things! Hope you have many many more!

thompsonmania said...

Come with us if you get down my way!!