Saturday, October 30, 2010


It's Halloween weekend, one of our favorite times of the year.  We carved pumpkins yesterday and Wes and I went to our annual party at Deer Cliff.  Clint plans to man the door tonight and tomorrow night when the trick or treaters come!  Aaargh, mateys!

Here is the Deer Cliff crowd!  We didn't win any costume prizes this year, but our table did win 3 door prizes.  As always, it was a great time.
Marty and Kathi had awesome Fred and Wilma costumes:
We had a hard time finding Troy and Shauna all night because they were dressed up as Where's Wendy and Waldo:
Kent actually wore this sweet corduroy jacket back in the day!  He came dressed as "Dude" and he brought Kathy, his lovely Flower Garden, (or is that a bloomin' idiot???):
Curtis and Susan dressed up as a Hospital Patient and his Hot Nurse!
Here we are in our Dharma Initiative jumpsuits.  No one really knew what we were, but that's okay because to us, nothing is as cool as LOST, nothing!!  Namaste, and Happy Halloween!

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