Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day To My Sweetie!

In honor of my Valentine, here are some things that Wes ALWAYS does:

When he goes to the store, he ALWAYS asks if I need anything too.

When it's laundry day, he ALWAYS says "thanks for doing the laundry."

When we go for walks, he ALWAYS takes my hand.

When he leaves in the morning, he ALWAYS kisses me goodbye, even if it's really early and I'm still asleep.

When I'm stressed or sad, he ALWAYS holds my hand and tells me it's going to be okay.

When something goes wrong with one of the cars, he ALWAYS takes care of it.

When there's a special occasion, he ALWAYS remembers, (and he gives the greatest gifts.)

Gee, there's no wonder I ALWAYS love this guy so much!!!  Happy Valentine's Day!

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