Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Big Four Oh!

My next door neighbor Amy is such a good sport!  She recently had a big birthday and her husband Mike enlisted my help in embarrassing her.  Since Amy is a gym die hard and goes some days at 5:30 am (yes, she's tough!), Mike had this darling banner made up to hang in the aerobics room.  Kori and I snuck it down the night before, hence Kori's modeling poses in these pics.  I wish now I would have gone to the gym that morning to see her reaction, but sadly, I'm not a 5:30 kind of girl.  Isn't that a cute picture of her???

And then.  The BRA-vo birthday!  After all, Mike did say he wanted to embarrass Amy!  She lives on the perfect corner because half of our town drives by in the morning on the way to school.  We had fun watching all the drivers and joggers slow down and do a double take.  My friend Shauna had recently borrowed the bras and added to them, and when we got them all put up we just cracked up laughing at how many there were!  Thanks for being a good sport Amy!!

I could list 40 reasons why Amy is a great friend, but here are just a few:
1. She gets my butt to the gym! (just not at 5:30)
2. She has raised adorable children who I love having at my house.
3. She has a talent for talking to people and I'm trying hard to emulate that.
4. I know she would do anything for me, and she's the first person I call when I need something.
5. She always remembers what is going on in my life and she follows up and asks me about it.  That always makes me feel important.
6. She likes ski days and afternoon lunches and shopping trips and game nights as much as me.
Happy Birthday cute friend!  I hope it's been a memorable one!

1 comment:

Amy Wallace said...

You are very kind. That makes me feel good, worth the embarrassment of the bras, I guess.