Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Kori's Wisdom Teeth

Kori got her wisdom teeth out last Friday, and this is how things looked that evening.  Kori, wide awake and feeling pretty good.  Wes, sacked out on the floor!  It has now been five days, and she's been doing great!  She went back to school today for almost the whole day.  Luckily, it's been a much better experience than when Colton got his wisdom teeth out.  At least so far, knock on wood.  Kori's only disappointment was that she wasn't funnier coming out of anesthesia.  She was just wide awake and feeling normal.  No funny stories to tell about her!  We just hope she continues to feel good and heal.

Trying to smile with a sore mouth.

She got a little puffier than this the next day, but still not too bad.

This is a familiar sight around our house!

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