Saturday, May 25, 2013

Senior Week

Kori snapped a few photos from all the festivities of Senior Week.  Can you believe she's really done with high school?  These first ones are from the Senior Sunset.  Sky View has the coolest traditions!  They do a Senior Sunrise at the beginning of the year and a Senior Sunset at the end.

The kids wanted the SV lit up for the end of the year, so here is Kori's BAGA plus new BAGA and new Exec up on the hill placing the lights.

This was just to prove that they could squeeze Seth into the back of Kori's little truck!

And finally, last night was the Senior Class Passing the Torch.  I LOVE this tradition!  The Seniors all showed up at the school in their caps and gowns.  They had a short program, and then an open mike allowed Seniors to tell their favorite moments from their Senior year.  After that, they went out the front doors, lit their candles, and walked a lighted path to the stadium where they sang the school song with the SV all lit up in the background!  Part of this tradition was to pass the torch to the new Senior class.  Really cool and no doubt a little emotional.  Now it's on to a few more fun events and then Graduation next Thursday!!
With Autumn

With Bronte

With Liz

With Kierstin

With Abby

Lighting up the field!

That's the lit up SV, Kori's torch, and the moon all together.

Seniors on the field.

So grateful for Kori's excellent friends!

With Chase


With Daniel

With Sierra

With Kierstin

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