Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Kori's Farewell Summer

Things we know now about Kori living and working at Bear Lake this summer:
1. LaBeau's does a ton of business! Holy Cow!
2. When you whiz shakes all day, you come home covered in ice cream!
3. Mountain lions are not attracted to the smell of ice cream!  Well, not yet...
4. It's possible to work 60+ hours a week and survive!  Although with hurting feet and sore hands.
5. Not too many boys respond to numbers written on napkins.  Dang.
6. Time together with family is so precious.
7. L. Tom Perry is REALLY tall, and he likes raspberry shakes!
8. You can earn the $ for most of a year of BYU-H in one summer!
9. It's great to have a place to live other than the LaBeau's attic!
10. It's so nice to have a weekday off, and double nice to have every Sunday off!

It's a good thing Kori has had Sundays off because she has had a bajillion mission farewells to go to!  The change in missionary age affected Kori's age group dramatically.  Most of her guy friends have already left to serve all over the world.  A few of her girl friends have their mission calls or are getting their papers ready.  It's been so exciting!  I'm sure Kori has lots more pics, but here are a few that I found on my camera.
Jack is serving in Lyon France.  Someday when he's a General Authority, we will smile at this photo!

Bronte will soon be leaving for Wichita, Kansas!  My old childhood home!

Steve is headed to Milan, Italy.
AJ is headed to Ecuador.
Chase will serve in Brazil.

Mitch is in Santiago North Chile.

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