Saturday, October 19, 2013

Halloween Carnival

We love the Halloween Carnival our Ward puts on!  It's been going now for years.  Since before Clint was born!  Here's how our costumes stacked up this year.  Clint has been planning his Goku costume for a month or so.  Not many people understood who Clint was, but the ones that know Goku loved it! I was impressed that Clint's hair stood up like this all night!

My costume was understood by about as many people as Clint's.  Meaning about 3.  I was dressed as Sharknado.  Most people thought I was Shark Week or a Shark Attack, and that was fine.  It was an easy costume and I loved my shoes.

Our best costume of the night by far was totally last minute!  Funny how that works out sometimes!  Wes made a super hilarious Cee Lo Green and everyone loved it!  It made me wish I had been Xtina instead.  Although she doesn't wear much that I could have worn.

I got a few pics of some other carnival attendees...

She made a great Miranda Sings.  Not many understood her costume either.  I loved it!

And finally, Kevin!  We didn't take him to the Carnival obviously, but we just love to dress him up! Poor kitty, he really hates this costume.  He even growled at me when I put it on him.  Too bad, because he's just so cute in it!!

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