Monday, June 27, 2016

VISA Adventures

Kori and I chased down to SLC to get some Brazil VISA stuff taken care of.  Man, they are serious about their VISA requirements!  We have had to collect a bunch of stuff, do a lot of stuff online, and we even had to send Kori's passport in the mail to Brazil.  So no international traveling for her this summer.  But we are done!  We have done all that we can do and we got it taken care of on time, so hopefully all will go through in a timely manner so she can get her VISA and fly out to the Brazil MTC in September!  Kori and I had a fun day touring our beautiful State Capitol building.  I had never been there before.  I was amazed that we could just walk right in.  I thought for sure we'd have to go through some kind of security.  It is a lovely building and the people were so nice and got us taken care of in 10 minutes.  It was the easiest part of everything else Kori has had to do.  We also got lunch at Zupa's and did a little bit of Target shopping.

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