Saturday, October 29, 2016

Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road?

It was a good day today.  Not only did I eat my first delicious pomegranate of the season, but I got to hold a chicken!  The Wallys captured this cute chicken after it was running around in the road.  We're still not sure why the chicken was crossing the road, but the Wallys wanted to make sure it didn't get hit by a car.  They were trying to call everyone in our neighborhood we know who has chickens, but no one was claiming it.  The Wallys were in a hurry because they were leaving for the day, so I offered to take the chicken and find its home.  I posted about the homeless chicken on Facebook.  Nothing.  I called Animal Control but the officer pretty much laughed at us and told us they can't take poultry and that we should just let it go.  At this point, I was feeling a little attached to it and wanted to find it a proper home.  Wes knew a guy who knew a guy who said he'd take another chicken to add to his coop.  We kept her in a bucket with a net over the top most of the day until our new friends could come and pick her up.  They said that their kids would be excited and that they would give her a good home.  So overall it was a win/win, and a fun, unexpected kind of day!

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