Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Apple Pressing Time

This has become a fun tradition with our Island Park friends and I don't think I have any pictures of it yet, so here we go. Scott and Sandra built their house on an old apple orchard and they kept as many apple trees as they could. In order to use up their apples each fall, Scott built this nifty apple press. They always invite us over one day to help press the apples. This apple cider is super delicious and well worth the effort to make it. We always end the day with a weenie roast and potluck dinner, yum! The cute kids here are some of the Roper grand kids who have been making this their tradition too. They are huge helpers! For some reason, Wes always seems to be out of town when we do this. Or he'll come late. This year he was once again out of town and I went solo. Maybe next year!
Pushing the apples into the disposer is Tenzing's favorite part.

I think we had close to 50 gallons of cider for our night's work. 

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