Wednesday, November 3, 2021


 Halloween was bittersweet this year as we lost Grandpa Mike on October 30. The kids were sick which threw a wrench into our celebration plans as well. We did manage to don costumes and have a little bit of fun. The season started for Wes and I with the first annual Garden City light the boardwalk. Residents donated carved pumpkins and they were lit and placed all down the boardwalk. There were cookies and hot cocoa in the pavilion to enjoy too. Super fun, hopefully it will become a tradition. We visited Kori at work. Her costume was my personal favorite this year, feel the Bern!! Could there be a more perfect Obi-Wan than Clint this year? Holy smokes he nailed it! Obi-Wan has some serious cookie making skills as well. Karlton and the kids chose inspiration from the movie Hocus Pocus for their group costume. Cutest little witches and kitty! Wes and I dressed up on Halloween night as Dr. Venkman and Zuul from Ghostbusters. I had been emotionally exhausted at that point and needed a little fun and smiles, even just for a little bit. We did some reverse trick or treating around the neighborhood and everyone liked our costumes.

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