Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Whoa Christmas Tree

 It's the biggest Christmas tree of our lives! Wes and I had so much fun cutting down our own tree. We went up Green Canyon in St. Charles to find this 15 foot beauty. We had anticipated that we'd be trudging around in snow, but nope. No snow yet. The tree went up in the house pretty smoothly, but decorating it was a bit of a challenge. We bought these crazy strange lights and Wes was up on a ladder with his grabber tool trying to throw them up on the tree. Ha ha, it was wacky! The lights kind of ended up looking like a DNA strand, but they do put off a lot of light. Next time we have a tree this tall, we'll decorate the top and put the lights on before we stand it up in the house. But we love how tall and bright it is. We're excited to spend our first Christmas in our new home!

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