Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tin Man

I got this idea off the internet and made these little tin men for my nursery kids for a lesson about the body.  I think it was actually once for them and twice for me, though, because I'm having way too much fun, and so are my kids!!  It is just a 14 oz vegetable can, cleaned out, and a Pringles lid on top with some yarn strung through for hair.  Then I put magnets on googly eyes, pom poms and foam shapes, and you can configure them any way you want!  Kori and I keep coming up with more ideas of shapes to make.  We put all the pieces in a ziploc bag and they fit inside the can when not in use.  The Pringles lid doesn't fit tight, but it was the best lid and can combination I could come up with.  Anyway, very fun, very easy, and kinda addicting to play with!  Just proves some toys are ageless.


The Amayesings said...

As usual, you're putting the rest of us to shame. It's ok. I'm used to it and look forward to hearing all about it. You are the BEST!

wallymom said...

Super cute

Linda said...

You are amazing!