Monday, March 29, 2010

21 Years And Counting...

Happy Anniversary to us! It's "lucky 21" because I am lucky to have been married to my best friend for 21 years. He makes me feel safe in his arms, and he helps me laugh and smile every day. He never raises his voice to me, and he always treats me with love and respect. He has taught me to enjoy life, and I always enjoy it when I am with him! He is a terrific dad to our 3 kids; patient, kind, calm, and a great example. Thank you, Wes, for the best years of my life, and here's hoping for many many more! I love you forever!!


The Amayesings said...

Happy Anniversary!!!! Hope the next 20+ are as awesome as the last 21. :)

Sheri said...

wow and to think I was there when it all began!!Love that picture and most of all I hope you have many more years together!