Saturday, September 24, 2011

Homecoming Dance 2011

The kids were buzzing after last night's big win!  It was a great game, and ... fireworks!  Awesome!  Tonight is the dance.  I had to take a lot of pics of this dress 1. because it is beautiful 2. because it is even more beautiful with Kori in it and 3. I worked hard on tweaking and hemming and so it just needed lots of pictures.  Here is the gorgeous dress (and girl):

The shoes:

The hair:

And the date.  This is AJ.  Don't they look cute?

Their group had their "day date" yesterday after school because a lot of the boys had a cross country meet today.  They played a version of mini golf at a park, ate dinner with their hands all tied together (sounds awkward and totally fun!) and went to the game.  It was kind of nice to have that out of the way today so we could spend lots of time getting Kori ready for the dance.  I hope they are having a fantastic time!!

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