Wednesday, February 15, 2012

He's Home!

It was long and crazy, but such an excellent day!  Here's how it all went down:

We got the house and yard decorated.  Okay, pretty much the whole neighborhood.

After a leisurely breakfast at Angie's, we were on our way.

Clint got a little shut eye.

We made it to the airport in plenty of time.  We were ready with all of our signs.  We were so excited!  We looked at the board to check on his flight and saw the dreaded word: CANCELLED!  What?  Cancelled?  Now what?

Colton was able to call us a few minutes later and explain that his plane had a fuel leak that was discovered just before they were ready to board, so the airline found the Elders a later flight.  We had about 4 hours to kill.  What else were we to do but wait?  We went out for lunch, and strolled through the mall.  Kori said we had already had our "dress rehearsal" and pretty soon we were back at the airport for the real thing.

We didn't have to wait very long the second time, but evidently it was long enough for Wes to catch up with the news!

And then.......   finally.......   LOOK!  There he is!!!!!

Proud and happy Momma:

Doesn't he look SO GOOD!?!

So amazing.  Just such an incredible day!  And how perfect that he came home on Valentine's day?  After waiting all day, we were pretty anxious to get him home!

We drove straight to the Stake Center and had a nice visit with President Dewey who released Elder Thompson.  President Dewey had many kind words and good pieces of advice.  Then finally we made it home!!  We are so proud of Colton and grateful for his service and the experiences he had in California.  It has been a pleasure to have him on a mission and now it is just incredible to have him home!



Eileen said...

Well. I really just can't stand it! I have to look away.

You guys are SO lucky!

highdeekay said...

So fun! I think you make everything FUN!!!!

Congrats on having an RM!