Thursday, December 10, 2015


I have been learning to crochet this year.  I have learned and been taught many times throughout my life, but it has never stuck before.  I've always wanted to really learn how to crochet ever since my Grandma started teaching me when I was a teenager.  Sadly, she passed away soon after we got started and I was never able to learn more from her.  Since I became a Grandma myself this year, I guess that spurred my interest in learning my Grandma's craft.  A Relief Society crochet night helped me get started, and then I got a big project going so that I could practice a lot.  I found that I enjoyed it immensely!  I youtubed a lot of stitches and questions which was helpful.  I have successfully finished a lot of simple projects this year.  Here are a few!
This is my first finished project.  I kept this baby blanket here at my house to lay baby Livi on.

I learned how to change colors on this baby blanket, made for the adorable baby below.

I learned how to make doilies for a friend's sister's wedding.  These are made with T-shirt yarn and are really large and chunky.  They were fun.

I've been trying lots of hats lately, the one above for Olivia and the one below for a friend.

This one went to Kori, so she won't mind the cat hair.  :)  She picked out the colors and it took me forever to finish it.  Little teeny stitches.  But I love how it turned out!

Another baby blanket for my visiting teaching partner's first baby.  I think these are my favorite projects so far.  I just love the mindlessness of not having to count, just stitching along.

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