Thursday, December 24, 2015

Our Amazing Display Of Talent

Ah, it's the best day of the year.  How we love Christmas Eve, with all its traditions and anticipation.  It was so wonderful to have everyone together this year!  We don't know when we'll be able to have everyone together for Christmas again.  Probably not for a couple of years at least.  We had to just enjoy and soak it all in this year.  Our Talent Show did not disappoint.  We maybe didn't have any complete standouts (ie, singing snowmen or shaving off mustaches) but we were all actually pretty impressive as far as Thompson talent goes!  First up was Clint singing and playing the guitar.  No one wanted to follow this, it was surprising and really good!  We had no idea Clint was working this up.  He played and sang "The Rainbow Connection."

Colton shared his talent of reading aloud the fun book "Armadilly Chili."  He has had lots of practice reading aloud this year.

Livi loved it!

Kori regaled us all with her knowledge of other languages.  She gave us all a piece of paper with an English word or phrase and then she translated it into another language.  She had all kinds of languages, Japanese, Korean, Tagalog, even Harry Potter language.  It was really cute.

My talent was memorizing 50 years of Best Picture Academy Award winning movies.  I recited the year, the movie, and I had gestures to go with each movie.  Hence, the strange poses in these pictures.

Karlee wowed us once again with her knitting skills.  This time, she had some actual finished products.  She made new Christmas stockings for her family.  Aren't they darling?  Isn't she darling?

Aunt Michelle showed us how to treat pain with some new methods she has learned.  Keep keeping on, Michelle.  We are amazed at how gracefully you have survived your cancer so far.

Wes finished out our amazing display of talent by telling us the size of random sockets that were handed to him, all while blindfolded.  Wow!

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