Thursday, April 26, 2012

Health Days Pageant 2012

I got to help once again this year with the Health Days Scholarship Program.  That's the official title, I still think we should just be calling it what it is and that's a Pageant!  Anyway, I digress... It was super fun this year because I knew more of the girls.  Kori's age group was eligible this year, but she felt like she didn't have enough time to devote to it.  Ah, well, maybe next year.  It would be fun Kori!!  I wish I had more photos.  I didn't think to take pictures of the decor, but it looked really cute.  We had turquoise, coral, and pink painted frames, plus a bunch of pinwheels.  The backdrop was this screen made of antique doors with some twinkly lights.  Very cool.  Five girls are chosen to represent Smithfield over the next year and they all reign equally.  They receive a $500 scholarship which is not too shabby either!  Here are this year's winners:

Here are the winners plus Miss Congeniality on the far right:

ALL of the eleven participants did a really incredible job!  They are amazing girls, and I'm glad I didn't have to be the one to judge them!  I just loved seeing their gorgeous dresses!

Here are last year's winners who were back to crown the new royalty.  I love their bright tangerine dresses!

And Kori's friend Autumn with her banana (it was part of her speech) who SHOULD have won solely based on how completely adorable she is!!!

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